Saturday, July 24, 2010

What was the name of the book kids about dreams and the Stardust motel?

When I was a kid I read this cool book about this boy who is travelling with his parents to (I think) Las Vegas) They are going to stay in the Stardust hotel. Along the way he has these recurring dreams and there is a girl in the dream (and a monster, dog?) and when they get to the motel the boy meets the girl who is in his dream and she has been having the same dream, but he is in her dream. It was a cool story, but I don't remember how it ended and now I want to read it again.

What was the name of the book kids about dreams and the Stardust motel?
OH. MY. GOD. I was totally just thinking of the same question!

Thanks for remembering the name of the hotel, I looked it up and found it.

It's called Into the Dream, and it's by William Sleator.

I also read this book when I was younger, and want to read it again as well! I was looking all over for it!

muay thai

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