Saturday, July 24, 2010

What are some names of the different periods of poetry?

I'm doing a report on the differences between poetry from now and the poetry that was written in a past era. But my problem is I don't know what era or period of poetry there is to talk about. Can you help me?

What are some names of the different periods of poetry?
This is a list of poetry that emerged at different times as the need for them exposed its self.. Poets of today are using the various styles to express their present experiences in a historical context.

Sonnets, limericks, haiku's all were derived from ages past and their beginnings traced back to their beginning. Psalms and Prayers are all examples of poetry from an other ages other periods.

Some poetic styles of today have evolved from eras and periods and artistic movements long gone.

Does this help?

You can look all of these up they are on the net.

Algonquin Round Table

Beat Generation Cavalier Poetry


Harlem Renaissance



Nuyorican Poets' Cafe Objectivist


Tang Poetry


Victorian Poetry

World War Poetry
Reply:I've never heard of different era's for poetry. only styles, (e.g. limerick, haiku, sonnet etc) and literary periods, but nothing specifically for poetry.
Reply:As the previous writer has said, it would be difficult to say when a specific period started and when it finished. That poetry was written in the same speech of the period is true, but we today mimic the wording of the past, that is because we have it there to copy and write as if we were back then.

Take the Psalms of David in the bible, similar styles are used today, but we cannot say that the period is the same.

This is of course of no help to you, but unless there is someone out there who can point you to a good web site, at which I have looked but with no success. I to am stumped on this one.



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