Thursday, July 22, 2010

How can I get a credit card solely under my name?

I am a minor with a checking and savings account solely under my name. But my bank doesn't offer credit cards!

How can I get a credit card solely under my name?
Need to wait until your 18 or you can prove to the credit card company that you have the assest to back up your request for credit. Try for a prepaid credit card to start
Reply:you should bank with wells fargo!!!!!!!!! they will help you.
Reply:They won't give you a credit card if you're under 18 as it's illegal to have one under this age. The only way to get one is to wait till you're 18.
Reply:Sorry, you have to wait till you are 18. You legally cannot sign a binding contract till then. Each credit card application is a contract. If a credit card company stupidly gives you credit (could happen), legally you don't have to pay for it, however, they may come after your parents.
Reply:you need to be 18 to get a credit card, unless you have an adult sign on the card for you.

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