Thursday, July 22, 2010

What is the name of most well know university of engineering in Malaysia?

It will be good if the university provide twinning program to overseas,

and if have computer or chemical engineering course.

And most importantly it will be good if its with in KL.

What is the name of most well know university of engineering in Malaysia?
I don't live in Malaysia, but the first name that came to my mind was University of Nottingham-Malaysia. Its campus is at Semenyih, about 30km south of Kuala Lumpur. And yes, it does have both Chemical Engineering and Computer Science courses.

Regarding twinning, its my understanding that you could transfer to the University of Nottingham in the UK and they will accept your credits earned at University of Nottingham-Malaysia.

Another helpful link I found on twinning courses in Malaysia is
Reply:KUKTEM / UTP (Petronas) maybe but for IPTS you can check out at website It's provide all information about courses %26amp; IPTS in Malaysia,also twinning program.


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