Saturday, July 24, 2010

What is the name of the device that is used to ride your bike in place?

Like if it is raining outside, so you put your bike on this thing on the ground maybe in your livingroom, so then you can still get a workout without having to get wet in the rain. The device holds your bike in place.

What is the name of the device that is used to ride your bike in place?
There are several types. Resistance trainers are most common type that clamp at the rear axle and engage the rear tire with some type of resistance unit.

Some have a fan, magnetic or fluid type of resistance.

Rollers can also be used indoors. These have three metal tubes, two for the rear wheel and one for the front. There is a belt or band that drives the front roller to spin front wheel for balance.

Riding rollers takes very good balance and smooth pedaling. But is the most realistic to riding on the road.
Reply:A bike trainer, sometimes called a wind trainer.
Reply:I always called it a "stationary bike stand"... I had one for years that you just bolted the back wheel into a thingy and away you peddled (well not actually away) lol
Reply:It's called the Riding Your Bike In Place Thing.

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