Saturday, July 24, 2010

What is the name of the doctrine that said women were property?

What was the name of the doctrine (in the US) that said women were property? I know it starts with the letter C, but I can't recall the word.

What is the name of the doctrine that said women were property?
coverture ? but that isn't what it means. Except as slaves

( chattel ) women were not considered property.

coverture - upon marriage, the husband and wife were treated as one entity. In essence, the wife's separate legal existence disappeared as far as property rights were concerned.
Reply:There was never a doctrine that said women were property. It was legally the case that when a man and woman married he had control of her property (unless there had been a marriage settlement, as there quite often was when the woman had wealth of her own). Just as her property was considered to be his, so were any debts she incurred considered to be his responsibility as well.

Reply:Women have never been considered property in the US, except for slaves, but that included men as well. I have no idea where you got that from.

If you mean coveture, it did make a man and a woman one "entity," and it did give the man more rights over her than vice versa, but it didn't make her property. Women still had basic human rights.

"In its narrowest sense, the word slave refers to people who are treated as the property of another person, household, company, corporation or government. This is referred to as chattel slavery."
Reply:I don't know but can we please reinstate it?

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