Saturday, July 24, 2010

What is the name of seam on t shirts to prevent fraying. Its a zig zag type. How do I do it?

I want to make a tunic type. There are two rows and then a zig zag stitch to prevent fraying. Is there a special foot I need to buy for my husqvarna sewing machine?

What is the name of seam on t shirts to prevent fraying. Its a zig zag type. How do I do it?
Overcast. First do a double row ( Special needle)

Second do a Wide Zig -Zag stitch over the edge of the fabric. Meaning every other stitch will be on and off the fabric . I did this method on small items all the time and it worked GREAT ;)))
Reply:You'll need a serger to duplicate the stitching used on ready to wear t-shirts. You can accomplish the same thing with a row of straight stitching and an overcast stitch. If your machine doesn't have an overcast stitch, you can use the zigzag stitch, keeping the left side of the zigzag in the seam allowance and the right side off the fabric.

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