Thursday, July 22, 2010

What are good names for 4 fancy guppies?

I have 4 fancy guppies, and i want to name them, one is like a rainbow, one is dark then goes to light, one is blue and orange, and the last one is all orange.

What are good names for 4 fancy guppies?
This goes respectively, rainbow, checkers, berry and tangerine.
Reply:I just got three guppies myself yesterday, and I named them Betty, Matrix, and Sammy. Betty is, obviously, a female, and Matrix had cool silvery texture, so I decided to name him a cool name too. Sammy is kinda plain orange guppy, so I named him Sammy. These names just kinda popped out of my head. Hope this helps...
Reply:The Rainbow one should be named: Rainbow or Colorful

The dark and light one should be : Sunset or Dawn

The orange/ blue one should be: Fire Topaz or Queen Elizabeth

The orange one should be: Smilely
Reply:call them what you like,cause they wont come to

no seriously call them after the rainbow series.

George,zippy,bungle and Geoffrey

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