Saturday, July 24, 2010

What is the name for someone who allows and assists a person who has an addiction?

I forgot what they are called. They aid the person by allowing them to continue in their addiction.

What is the name for someone who allows and assists a person who has an addiction?
If i answer this arent you just going to continue relentlessly asking questions on yahoo?

Reply:You may be looking for the word facilitator or codependent.
Reply:Codependant....Codependency advocates claim that a codependent may feel shame about, or try to change, his or her most private thoughts and feelings if they conflict with those of another person. An example would be a wife making excuses for her husband's excessive drinking and perhaps running interference for him by calling in sick for him when he is hung over. Such behaviors, which may well lessen conflict and ease tension within the family in the short term, are counterproductive in the long term, since, in this case, the wife is actually supporting ("enabling") the husband's drinking behavior. So, sometimes, the codependent is referred to as an "enabler." It is also worth noting that since the wife in this case is dependent on the husband's alcoholic behavior, she may actually feel disturbed, disoriented or threatened if she sees clearly that he is emerging from his dependence; the threat to her position as a confidante and needed loved one might lead her unconsciously to resist the husband's steps towards recovery.
Reply:an enabler
Reply:a councelor...?
Reply:an ENABLER
Reply:an enabler


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