Thursday, August 19, 2010

What was the name of the television show about various styles of martial arts?

I can't remember what channel it was on, and I'm pretty sure it was only on for a short amount of time, but somebody has to know which show I'm referring to. I remember they would have choreographed fights featuring two different styles, during which they would explain various elements of each style. It's similar to the Spike TV show "Deadliest Warriors" but it focused solely on martial arts.

What was the name of the television show about various styles of martial arts?
There was WMAC Masters hosted by Shannon Lee.
Reply:related shows


Human Weapon

Fight Quest

Fight Science

Deadliest Warriors
Reply:History Channel- Human Weapon
Reply:There's this show called fight science where they show the science behind Martial arts (best kicks, best punces, fastest, most deadly)

they have different styles spar.
Reply:Human Weapon you can look it up on you tub
Reply:One great show which has many clips on youtube is called "Mind body and kick *** moves"

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