Thursday, August 19, 2010

What is the law about posting a minors picture and name in the newspaper without consent?

My brother got into a little bit of trouble at school with several other kids. In the local city news paper the first time they posted to story they did not mention my brother and one other boy because they were under 18, but they named the other boys who were 18. The next day they posted the story again this time on the front page and with pictures and names of EVERY person involved including my brother and the other boy who are not 18. They included a little note at the bottom saying that normally they do not publish information of minors, but they made an exception for this case. Is there a law against this? My parents and very upset.

What is the law about posting a minors picture and name in the newspaper without consent?
Any law that purported to prohibit such publication would be unconstitutional. First amendment guarantees a free press. The Supreme Court has specifically ruled that newspapers may publish names and pictures of juvenile suspects, provided that those names and pictures were obtained lawfully, e.g. through the newspaper's independent investigations or through public court records. It just so happens that newspapers normally do not publish names of minors due to their own internal policies.
Reply:Its completely legal. Newspapers usually self-refrain from publishing the names of minors, and of people like rape victims, but they have a right to as long as it is newsworthy and not defamatory. If they've printed the truth about your brother, then it's totally fine.
Reply:Depends on why they don't normally publish info about minors and why they made an exception in this case. Unfortunately, it also depends on whether publication has any money to satisfy a judgment against it and these days, I'm betting no.
Reply:There is no such law.

Newspapers withold that information out of courtesy or practiaclity, when it is not obtainable for those legal reasons you mention. But they are not bound by any law except the libel laws.
Reply:there is a law for everything now days even if it is suppose to be free country
Reply:They have the right.

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