Thursday, August 19, 2010

What is the name of the religion renowned for murdering witches?

What possible justification did they have for doing this ?

What is the name of the religion renowned for murdering witches?
They are renowned for murdering all different beliefs including their own .

They call themselves Christians .
Reply:The Puritans killed witches. They were Protestants. They were ignorant because it was the late 1600's and they didn't know anything about science or how the world worked, So when something bad happened, they attributed some supernatural significance to it. The same thing happens today. People said Hurricane Katrina was "God's way of punishing people for their sins." Pretty stupid that in his day and age people still believe in ridiculous things like that or believe in religion at all for that matter.

And for everyone's information....Catholics ARE is a branch of Christianity. They didn't kill Jesus...the Jews killed Jesus. Roman Catholicism is basically the same thing as Catholicism. They just don't consider the Pope one step under God.
Reply:Christianity was the umbrella religion for murdering people accused of witchcraft.

There isn't any justification. We as people barely know the REAL reason for this. could be anything from puritanical bullsh*t to sexism.

It's too complicated to go into here but there have been many books written on the history of it and the psychology of it. It's worth reading up on, if you can stomach it.

Reply:depends on which country your taking.

Roman Catholics in Europe, the crusaders.

In the USA, it was the freaky off shoot sects of christianity.

Wikipedia it for a better truth

It's also renowned for killing Jews and indigenous peoples in the Americas, Africa, and Asia.
Reply:Name: Christians

Justification: Insanity
Reply:That would be Christianity.

And the reason? They needed someone to vilify to keep their followers scared and devoted.

Justification? They were retarded and deluded.
Reply:christianity. because they served a hateful tyrant of a god that needed to keep people ignorant and scared in order to control them.
Reply:The Puritans?

Burning witches sounds like Satanism if you ask me.
Reply:Religion is a form on insanity.
Reply:That would be Christianity; specifically, Catholicism and Puritanism.
Reply:Christianity was responsible for this.
Reply:Ignorance ... that is a perfect name for those who shared the religion of burning witches.
Reply:Tibetan Buddhism.

The Dalai Lama wrote the book "The Witch's Hammer"

In a previous life so I been told.
Reply:muslims also believe in this bull they also stone women for the heinous crime of being raped
Reply:In which country? America was not the only place that held witch trials. France is well known for it as well.
Reply:Christianity. And I dont just mean the Salem witch hunts
Reply:It was the Roman Catholics and I guess for the same reason they killed Christ.

Even Queen Elizabeth said I'am Catholic but I'am not Roman Catholic.

It was NOT the Christians.

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